Tag Archives: project 365

project 365-take a photo a day and change how you remember your life

Most of us take photos of the important stuff, birthdays, first day of school, graduations…. When I look back at my photos the ones I treasure the most are the images that bring me back to a moment in time that captures my family in a way that really reflect who they truly are. 2010 is the year I photograph my family and capture everyday images. In January I took on project 365-take a photo a day and change how you see your life. I must admit that I have not taken a photo everyday but I can say that I have taken the camera out more than I ever have before to capture our daily life. Looking at my photos January through today I have at least 90 images that I just love. I love them not because they are the best photos I have taken but because they are us, who we are right now.

When my son who is now five was born I thought I would remember every special phase, every cute little thing he did. I wish that were true…. I am learning from the past and documenting more. Here are a few of my favorites of little Miss J. Moments that may have been forgotten if my camera had not capture them.

Every morning J wants her boots on first thing. She even puts them on over her PJs.

Her pink boots and cloth diaper

Dress up-princess tiara and high heals

I love the bike helmet she wears around the house in February. Bike not included. Also in this photo her beloved blankie that Nanny made for her.

This next photo was taken with my point and shoot. My darling is a fashion disaster! I just love that she is wearing her plastic sun glasses that are so scratched that I can’t believe she cans see out of them, her mittens that she often wears to bed, a clear back pack and her binkie.

The princess dress and the bike helmet

Kitty-cat boots

The last was created today. Her viking costume. She wears the shield on her back, sword stuck into her boot because she doesn’t have a belt and the hat is  missing a horn.

She makes my heart soar. I am so grateful I will have these images to look back and remember. a few of Miss J’s favorite things: mittens, sun glasses, clear back pack, flashlight, bitty boots, dress up, bike helmet, blankie and binkie from when she was 27 months old.

Take out your camera and capture the little things, the stuff that makes you smile on the inside and you will cherish them forever.

Are you up for it? How about a photo a week? Leave a comment below as your commitment to take more photos of everyday life.

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